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Second Sunday of Advent: Peace

Sunday December 8, 2024 "Preparing for What We Do Not Know”

Rev. John Varga

Luke 3:1-6

Theme: Many of us feel like we are in a time before…but before what? Do we base our preparation on our worst fears? Dare we trust in the prophecy? Dare we raise our expectations to the heights of joy? Dare we let go of our fears of chaos and believe the good news? Where is the path to peace and understanding?

First Sunday of Advent: Hope

Sunday December 1, 2024  "Hope: Signs, Symbols, and Signals"

Michael Barrett

Luke 21:25-36

Theme: The sermon will focus on hope: hope in the signs of the coming of the Son of Man, hope in the symbol of the fig tree parable, and hope in the signals Jesus advised about being alert and prayerful.

Sunday November 24, 2024 "Speaking and Living the Truth”

Rev. John Varga

John 18:33-37

Theme: With our baptism we are born into a new realm. The Christ calls us to live lives of truth and love with compassion and justice, this is The Way. We are such visual learners that we want to know, “What does this look like Jesus? Show us the way.” This is The Way, the way of the cross.

Sunday November 17, 2024 "“Bows and Flows of Angel Hair…”

Rev. John Varga

Mark 113:1-8

Theme: Things aren’t always what they seem or what we’d like them to be. But how do we know what to believe? What’s our lodestar- that which guides us? How do we stay true to that guidance? How do we nurture familiarity, how do we build trust and confidence that guides us to the point that it becomes our center of gravity?

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